News 2010






You will find some news concerning Red Jokers family on this page. You can share with us the failures and successes of Red Jokers. But we strongly believe that the latter will prevail.

2011 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004


8.12.2010 - New pictures were included into galeries  Andy, Aischa, Beauty and Others.
22.11.2010 -  Our Kennel in DOGS Magazine here.
22.10.2010 -  Final ranking of Setter of the year 2010 was completed.
9.10.2010 -  International Dog Show at České Budějovice. Baja Lucky Red Joker has received today EXC 3 in open class and Baby Cherry Red Joker has won open class and received CAC title. This was the last CAC title, which is required for meeting conditions for awarding Czech Junior Champion title. Irish setters were judged by Mr. Miroslav Václavík (CZ).

29.8.2010 -  Baja Lucky Red Joker participated in CACIB Tulln in Austria last weekend. She was shown in open classs and got EXC 2, res. CACA. Big congratulations to her owners.

27.9.2010 -  Setter of the year  ranking was updated.
26.9.2010 - Benji has successfully passed hunting tests today. Big congratulations to his owners.

22.9.2010 - Our Andy, founder of our Red Joker dynasty is ten years old today. Even though her face has somewhat grayed, she is  friendly, devoted, loveable clown and sometimes downright rebellious devil up to now. In her heart she is the same puppy like 118 months ago, when we have brought her to our house. ALL THE BEST ANDY!

17.9.2010 - Beauty has become officially a stud bitch of the Czech Pointer and Setter Club.

7.9.2010 - Pictures from the second meeting of our puppies "B" you can find here -


4.9.2010 - Today, as promised on February, the second mutual meeting of our puppies "B" took place. It was our great pleasure to see them again. We are very grateful to all the owners of Aischa´s children that they came to us for this meeting. Pictures from the meeting are being prepared and will be published soon.

29.8.2010 -  Setter of the year  ranking was updated.
28.8.2010 - International Dog Show Mladá Boleslav

There were three Red Joker´s setter ladies shown today. Beauty has got EXC 2, res. CAC, Bella Mia has got EXC 3 (both in intermediate class),  Baby Cherry has got EXC 3 in open class. BOB was today Vicary´s Fancy That, CACIB bitch was English Tea Time z Arislandu. Irish setters were judged by Mr. Josef Hejda from Czech Republic.

23.8.2010 - We have included into galery Puppies"B" a new picture of Bill from his summer holiday.
21.8.2010 - Bella Mia was BOS today at show in Karlovy Vary.

17.8.2010 - Benji is currently in an intensive training for hunting exams to be passed during September.


7.8.2010 - We have included into galery Puppies"B" a new picture of Bella, who has not only successfully entered the show ring, but she has also become an experienced water sportsman.

19.7.2010 -  Setter of the year  ranking was updated.
17.7.2010 - National Dog Show Mladá Boleslav

There were three Red Joker´s setter ladies shown today. Bella Mia has got EXC 1,  CAJC and BOB Junior and Baja Lucky has got EXC 2 in the same class. Beauty has got EXC 1 and CAC in intermediate class. Congratulations and thanks to their owners. National Winner and BOB was today English Tea Time z Arislandu. Irish setters were judged by Mr. Vladimír Piskay from Slovakia.

1.7.2010 - Bella Mia has passed rtg scanning concerning hip dysplasia with result 0/0 - negative.
25.6.2010 -  Setter of the year  ranking was updated.
19.6.2010 - International Dog Show Brno

Beauty was shown in intermediate class and she  got EXC 2 and res. CAC. BOB was Icy Breeze Jay Slovak Base. Irish setters were judged by Mrs. Helena Dvořáková (CZ). Setter of the year  ranking  will be updated after publishing of an official results.  


16.6.2010 - There were included into Links new references to breeders of Irish Setters in Europe and overseas.

8.6.2010 - Beauty has received today certificate awarding her title Czech Junior Champion.
5.6.2010 - National Dog Show Klatovy

Beauty has been shown for the first time in intermediate class and she has got EXC 1 and CAC. She has met today the  last conditionin for awarding title Czech Junior Champion. BOB was Airin od Rakovnické tůně, the best male was Cheron ze Šumavského kraje. Irish setters were judged by Mr. Iuza Beradze from Gruzia. Based on show results  Setter of the year  ranking  was updated.  

22.5.2010 - International Dog Show Litoměřice

BOB was Atyla Warrior Mahagony Paw, the best bitch was Georgia Glossy Irlandy z Bajkowego. Irish setters were judged by Mr. Zdeněk Píbl (CZ). Based on show results  Setter of the year  ranking  was updated.  

21.5.2010 - Setter of the year ranking was updated.

16.5.2010 - Beauty has successfully passed hunting test today in the first prize with 225 points. She has passed the last step to become stud bitch of the Czech Pointer and Setter Club one day before reaching 15 months of age.


15.5.2010 - Club Show of The Czech Pointer and Setter Club took place today. As usual there were the best entries for the whole show season presented in Panenské Břežany. Irish setters were judged by a very experienced judge from Sweden. And it was a great day of Red Jokers today. In Junior Class Baby Cherry  was  EXC 2 and Bella Mia was EXC 3, Aischa has got EXC 1 and CAC in Champion´s Class, afterwards she has become 2010 Club Winner (for the second time) and later on she has become BOB. Andy won Veteran Class and has become the best veteran. Many thanks to all our friends, who helped us today as it was really difficult to take care of such a pack. Unfortunately I don´t have complete results so Setter of the year ranking will be  updated once an official results will be published.

9.5.2010 - We have included new pictures of Bud and Bill into the galery of Puppies"B" and current pictures of Beauty have been uploaded into her Galery.
8.5.2010 - Beauty participated in a Spring Cup/ Irena Rafalska´s Trophy (hunting exams). She has reached Ist prize (183 points).
1.5.2010 - International Dog Prague.

There was presented  the third of our "B" setter ladies.  Baby Cherry  Red Joker has got EXC 1, CAJC.   BOB was Palisander Rude Ziolko. Irish setters were judged by Mrs. Helena Dvořáková (CZ). Based on show results  Setter of the year  ranking  was updated.  

22.4.2010 - International Dog Show České Budějovice.

There were presented  two of our young setter ladies.  Baja Lucky Red Joker has got EXC 2 and Beauty Red Joker has got EXC 1, CAJC and BOB junior.   BOB was Amore Fido Red Echo. Irish setters were judged by Mr. František Šonka (CZ). Based on show results  Setter of the year  ranking  was updated. 

22.2.2010 - Red Jokers in action.
20.2.2010 - Today, on the occasion of the first birthday of our puppies "B", their mutual meeting took place. It was our great pleasure to see all of them. We are very grateful to all the owners of Aischa´s kids that they came for this meeting.
18.2.2010 - Beauty has passed rtg scanning concerning hip dysplasia with result 0/0 - negative, the same as grandma Andy and mam Aischa.
8.2.2010 - DUO CACIB Brno

The second day participated in the show for the second time in their life Benji and Beauty.  Beauty  was   EXC 2. BOB was on Saturday as well as on Sunday Garden Stars Original Edition. Irish setters were judged by Mr. František Šimek (CZ). Based on show results  Setter of the year  ranking  was updated.

8.1.2010 - National Dog Show Olomouc.

It was the first show for two of our puppies "B".  Both were presented in young class, Benji was EXC 1 and Beauty (11 months old) was EXC 1, CAJC. BOB was Corranroo Redweed. Irish setters were judged by Mr. Čestmír Šrámek (CZ). Based on show results  Setter of the year  ranking  was updated.
