--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
There were included new pictures into
Beauty and
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
– We have included into
Puppies "B"
picture of Bud.
You can find it
here. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Although we purposely dawdle this year
in the show ring, 2009 still was a great
year for Red Jokers.
We rejoiced in the name
of the birth of puppies of our Aischa, who
set up our second generation and created our
Red Joker´s Gang -
Bill, Ben, Benji, Bud, Baby Cherry, Baja
Lucky, Beauty, Bella Mia, Betty and Brownie
are cute and impish and surely bring
happiness and pleasure to their owners.
Regardless that Aischa has
participated only in three shows this year,
she has brought titles such as CAC, CACIB
and National Winner and has become
Czech Grand Champion.
We would like to thank very
much all the owners of Red Jokers. We are
thankful that they look after Red Jokers
with great care, we thank them for keeping
in touch and sending photos and we believe
that Red Jokers repay twice all the love
they receive. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Although we purposely dawdle this year
in the show ring, 2009 still was a great
year for Red Jokers.
We rejoiced in the name
of the birth of puppies of our Aischa, who
set up our second generation and created our
Red Joker´s Gang -
Bill, Ben, Benji, Bud, Baby Cherry, Baja
Lucky, Beauty, Bella Mia, Betty and Brownie
are cute and impish and surely bring
happiness and pleasure to their owners.
Regardless that Aischa has
participated only in three shows this year,
she has brought titles such as CAC, CACIB
and National Winner and has become
Czech Grand Champion.
We would like to thank very
much all the owners of Red Jokers. We are
thankful that they look after Red Jokers
with great care, we thank them for keeping
in touch and sending photos and we believe
that Red Jokers repay twice all the love
they receive. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
– We have included into
Puppies "B"
picture of Bella Mia.
You can find it
here. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
– There were included new pictures of
Brownie into galery of
Puppies "B". |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
– International
Dog Show Prague
In Champion
Aischa has got EXC 1, CAC, CACIB.
Picture from the show you can find
here. Best of breed
was today Navan American Express z Arislandu.
Irish setters were judged by Mr. Čestmír Šrámek (CZ).
Based on show results
Setter of the year
final ranking for show season 2009 was
completed. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
4.11.2009 -
Aischa has
received today certificate
awarding her
Czech Grand Champion. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
28.10.2009 -
We had a very pleasant visit
today - owners of our Betty from Germany visited us
with their lovely young setter lady. You can
find her pictures in
galery of Puppies "B". |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
25.10.2009 -
New pictures of Baja Lucky
were included into
galery of Puppies "B". |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
– International
Dog Show České Budějovice
Red Joker has returned today
into the show ring for the first time after
giving birth to her puppies. In Champion
class she has received EXC 1, CAC. She has
met today the last condition for awarding
the last missing title in the Czech Republic
- Czech Grand Champion. Best of breed
was today Lancaster of Mahagonline, best bitch was
Lady Vanessa of Mahagonline. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was updated. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
– National
Dog Show Brno
At the National Dog Show in Brno the best of breed
was Dag z Křenovic, best bitch was Irish Lady
Elisabeth Jenny´s Irsal. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was updated. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
There were included new pictures of Beauty into her
gallery and
new picture of Bud into galery of
Puppies "B". |
- Red Joker Kennel has got a new web, there is
completely a new design and new sections were
included. We believe that our dear guests will be
visiting it with the same interest as previous one. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
International Dog Show Mladá Boleslav
At the International Dog Show in Mladá Boleslav the best
of breed was Vicary´s Falco, best bitch was Lady
Vanessa of Mahagonline. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was
updated. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
National Dog Show Mladá Boleslav
At the National Dog Show in Mladá Boleslav the best
of breed was Wictoria Becham z Arislandu, best dog
was Monty od Rakovnické brány. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was
updated. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- We have put new pictures of our
into her gallery,
Dogs We´ve Bred
we have included new pictures of Bill, Bud and
Betty. You can find them
here. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
International Dog Show Brno
At the International Dog Show in Brno the best of
breed was Lara Jay Slovak Base, best dog was Edy
Spod Zobora. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was updated. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
– Into
we have put new pictures of our small red sweetheart,
Dogs We´ve Bred
we have included new pictures
of Bud alias Sam, Baja Lucky and Bella Mia. You can
find them
here. |
National Dog Show Klatovy
At the National Dog Show in Klatovy the best of
breed was Amore Fido Red Echo, best bitch was Cory
Chassi Mahagon Dream. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was updated. |
– Into
Dogs We´ve Bred
we have included new pictures of Betty, Bud alias
Sam, Baja Lucky and Ben. You can find them
here. |
International Dog Show Litoměřice
At the International Dog Show in Litoměřice
the best of breed was Apolon Prince Mahagony Paw,
best bitch was Celia Mahagony Rose. Based on show
Setter of the year
ranking was updated. |
Club Show of The Czech Pointer and Setter Club
took place today. As usual there were the best
entries for the whole show season presented in
Panenské Břežany. Irish setters were judged by a
very experienced judge from Italy – Mrs. Ludovica
Salomon Ivaldi.
Club Winner was Navan American Express z
Arislandu and Irish Queen Red Jenny´s Irsal,
which became also best of breed. Red Jokers
unfortunately did not participate this year, but we
strongly believe that next year we will be back
again. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was
updated. |
– A new section
Beauty was included with
the youngest member of our Setter family. |
– Into
Dogs We´ve Bred
we have included new pictures
of Betty, Brownie, Benji and Bud.
International Dog Show Prague, Czech Republic
At the International Dog Show in Prague the best of
breed was Atyla Warrior Mahagony Paw. Based on show
Setter of the year
ranking was updated |
– Into
Dogs We´ve Bred
we have included new pictures of Bella Mia and
Brownie. You can find
here. |
International Dog Show České Budějovice, Czech
At the International Dog Show in České Budějovice
the best of breed was Lady Vanessa of Mahagonline.
Red Jokers were represented by Ambra alias Sára,
which got in working class EXC 2, res. CAC.
Congratulations to Linda. Irish setters were judged
by Mr. Pavel Navrátil (CZ). Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was updated. |
– Into
Dogs We´ve Bred
we have included the first pictures of our “B”
Pictures will be continuously updated.
– Our puppies are sixty days old, you can find
last pictures from their original home. They have
left us today. We will never forget them as they
have become part of us and we wish them love, the
best care and safety homes in their new families.
– Our puppies are fifty two days old, you can find
new pictures
here. |
National Dog Show Ostrava, Czech Republic
At the National Show in Ostrava the best of breed
was Dag z Křenovic. Irish setters were judged by Mr.
MVDr. Čestmír Šrámek. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was
updated. |
– Our puppies are fourty five days old, you can find
pictures. |
– Our puppies are thirty nine
days old, you can find
pictures. |
– Our puppies are thirty two days old, you can find
pictures. |
– Our puppies are
twenty five days old, you can find
pictures. |
– Our puppies are eighteen days old, new pictures
you can find
here. |
– New generation of Red Jokers is eleven days old,
new pictures of our puppies you can find
here. |
– New pictures of our puppies
here. |
– The first photos
from the first night of our
“B” puppies. |
17.2.2009 –
Aischa Red Joker
has given today to 12 beautiful puppies birth.
There are 9
girls and 3 boys. More information you can find in
Puppies “B”.
Pictures of puppies coming soon. In case of interest
don´t hesitate to
contact us. |
– We are expecting puppies from
our Aischa already this week
of today).
More information you can find in
B". In case of
interest don´t hesitate to
contact us. |
International Dog Show DUO CACIB Brno, Czech
At the International Show DUO CACIB in Brno the best
of breed was on Saturday and also on Sunday a dog
from Poland Between Heaven And Hell Zambi. Irish
setters were judged by Mr. MUDr. Vlastimil Novotný
on Saturday and by Mr. MVDr. Čestmír Šrámek on
Sunday. Based on show results
Setter of the year
ranking was updated. |
9.1.2009 –
Setter of the year
ranking was updated. |
National Dog Show Olomouc, Czech Republic
At the National Show in Olomouc
Aischa Red Joker
did very well and got in Champion class EXC 1,
CAC and National Winner. Irish setters
were judged by Mr. Josef Němec. This was the last
show of Aischa for a while. We strongly believe that
in the meantime she will give birth to the next
generation of Red Jokers (please see
Puppies “B”). |